The new Direct Marketing service will allow you to send your message quickly to a wide range of users.
It’s possible to create personalized email with a professional template, editable without having any knowledge of HTML.
It’s possible to make shipments in mobility, considering that the number of users using mobile devices, built in “responsive design”, has increased considerably, favoring both the user and the end user. The message arrives at the destination fitting perfeclty any screen mobile device.
It’s possible also create endless lists to send easily through import / export function that allows you to add contacts through .csv and .txt.
Main features of the platform:
- schedule mailings, so do not need to have any PC on when sending;
- “Dilute” shipments so as not to end up in the blacklist, processing bounce;
- manage endless lists, import / export contacts via .csv and IMAP;
- manage graphic templates;
- monitor openings: indicates the mail who has read the report;
- monitor click on the various links that may be present on communication.